Vishanti Mandir Old Age Home
Namaste, I'm Kamala Sharma Dahal, and I'm the caretaker of Vishanti Mandir Old Age Home. At present, we have 24 female residents and 13 male residents living with us. Our respected senior citizens come to us from all over Nepal to spend their last days in peace. We have begun this initiative to provide shelter for old individuals that have no access to food, shelter,companionship and care.
From its establishment in 1983, Vishanti Mandir Old Age Homes has received help from many individuals, companies and organizations to make us sustainable and capable of providing peaceful living environments for our geusts. Guranse Tea Estate has been a kind supporter of our initiative. THey have donated lots of resources to us over the years, including building 2 rooms, solar lights, and food supplies to just name a few. Guranse has always been there for us. We feel blessed when they visit us and provide lunch on a regular basis.
We would all like to thank the estate for all their support.